New Specialist Eviction and Security Services Division Launched by Court Enforcement Services

Scott Hines & Ken Somerville
Court Enforcement Services has launched a new division – Specialist Eviction and Security Services. This expansion offers clients a complete one-stop solution for large-scale enforcement operations usually authorised by High Court Writs for Possession. This is inclusive of all post-enforcement security requirements in order to avert re-occupation by squatters or protesters of the site.
Ken Somerville and Scott Hines have joined the company to manage the new venture. They both have unsurpassed knowledge and experience of these large-scale and often high profile operations within the civil enforcement industry. Ken and Scott have an established reputation for professionalism, discretion and speed of action. This extends to working in close co-operation with senior decision makers within the Police, Local Authorities, Law firms and other major organisations. Both have managed previous large-scale sensitive and complex operations.
These have included the removal of protesters and squatters from Parliament Square, St Paul’s Cathedral and Ravens Ait Island.
The Specialist Eviction and Security Services division will provide enforcement services related to major projects involving Compulsory Purchase. Aware of providing assurance to clients the company is committed to follow best practice principles.
For example Ken and Scott have undergone IOSH “Managing Safely” courses to undertake and provide comprehensive risk assessments of these most demanding of scenarios.
Clients now have one company and one point of contact who will manage all aspects of any challenging eviction and security operation.
The company believes it can offer solutions to existing and new clients that are presented with squatter and protest occupations in major infrastructure and installations in the following sectors:
- Transportation – airports, rail, aviation, waterways, ports & shipping
- Utilities – energy power plants, fracking sites
- Industrial and commercial estates
- Local Authorities property and land
- Social Housing estates
- Educational and Research establishments – universities and science parks
Daren Simcox, Joint Managing Director at Court Enforcement Services says, “We are delighted that Ken and Scott have joined the company to lead this new division. Court Enforcement Services is increasingly being called upon to manage these types of operations involving both the eviction of trespassers and ensuring the security of the site. Ken and Scott’s experience and reputation in managing high profile and large-scale operations goes before them. The new Specialist Eviction and Security Services division will complete the circle in our portfolio to support our clients, for all their land and property enforcement requirements”.
Ken and Scott also add,” We are really pleased to have joined Court Enforcement Services at this exciting time. Both of us look forward to working with existing and new clients and using our extensive experience and unique skill set to help them recover their property and land”.
High Court Enforcement Officers are responsible for the enforcement of the Writs of Execution issued out of the High Court, the most popular of which being the “Writ of Control” formerly known as “Writ of Fieri Facias” or “Writ of Fi Fa”. This is a writ issued for the recovery of money owed and provides for the seizure and sale of the judgment debtor’s goods.