Year in Review 2021
Seasons Greetings from Court Enforcement Services
Best wishes for the festive season and the year ahead

Daron Robinson
Managing Director
I write to thank you for your support during 2021 and to reflect on what has been a very positive year for us at Court Enforcement Services.
The coronavirus pandemic has changed how we live our lives and do business. I expect some changes will be permanent with more people working from home and video calls replacing face-to-face meetings.
It has been good to see members of our team resurfacing, enabling them to travel to meet our clients and contacts, which, has been beneficial on both sides. I do hope the number of cases starts to decrease so we do not need to return to any form of lockdown and we can all enjoy the festivities.
Despite the difficulties presented by the pandemic, we have still had several notable achievements in 2021, which, I would like to share with you:
High Court Writ Volumes for 2020
The latest High Court Writ Volumes for the calendar year 2020 confirmed we achieved a market share gain for the sixth year running, making us the fastest growing company in the High Court enforcement sector.
As expected, there was a 30% decrease in the total number of writs issued in 2020 but despite this, we were very proud to increase our market share to 26%, making us officially the largest High Court enforcement company by volume.
Thank you for your support
I would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to our clients who have trusted us as a reliable and safe enforcement partner during such an unprecedented and challenging time.
I would also like to thank our excellent team for their hard work and dedication to service delivery which has enabled us to continue to achieve such fantastic results for our clients.
To have achieved such a large market share in just 6 years is an exceptional achievement and would not have been possible without the commitment and hard work from our team and the support and trust of our clients.
Team Development
The business has added to its expertise with several internal promotions and the appointment of some excellent external candidates, who have slotted in seamlessly alongside our existing team and will assist us in maintaining the growth we have achieved over the last seven years.
I am delighted to have welcomed Richard Leach as Operations Director and Samuel Evans, as a Business Development Manager as well as many other new recruits to the business.
Wayne Whitford, a director and co-founder of the business was included in the Credit 500 index for the fifth consecutive year. Published by Credit Strategy, the Credit 500 index lists the most influential people in consumer and commercial credit in 2021.
Three members of our management team were shortlisted for Women in Credit Awards this year. I’m extremely proud of Jodie, Hollie and Adele for being shortlisted in their respective categories. All three have made a significant contribution towards our growth and have played key roles in our journey to become the market leading High Court enforcement company.
We supported Stress Awareness Month this year, which, coincided with the launch of our Employee Assistance Programme. We also provided our staff with mental health training via the charity, Mind, to coincide with our support of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021.
With the dedication and commitment our team have demonstrated over the last year and by continuing to deliver market leading results for our clients, our expectation is that the next 12 months will be another period of significant growth for us at Court Enforcement Services.
Stakeholder Relations
We have extended our reach significantly in 2021. I am delighted Court Enforcement Services has become a Corporate Partner to the Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM). I am pleased this enables us to extend our support to members by promoting best practice.
We joined the Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA), the principal trade association for civil enforcement agencies. We have also joined the Money Advice Liaison Group (MALG) whose purpose is to galvanise organisations to work together to improve the lives of people with problem debt.
We continue to support the High Court Enforcement Officers Association (HCEOA) and have implemented their updated best practice guidelines and continue to support their campaign for freedom of choice for creditors to choose who can enforce their judgments as well as lobbying for debts under £600 to be enforceable via High Court Enforcement.
We are delighted to have joined the Qualco UK Panel providing High Court enforcement services to the company and its clients through its collections and recoveries platform.
I am excited to end the year moving into our new Head Office in Essex.
The new office provides additional room for continued growth. After scouring Essex for the ideal building and location, we were delighted to identify a suitable new home for the business in the county.
The new office brings all office-based staff together, having previously occupied two separate buildings. I have no doubt being under one roof will be beneficial for staff collaboration, engagement and communication.
The rapid growth of the company is due to several significant contract wins as well as an ever-expanding client base. The business needed to move into larger premises to accommodate our ever-increasing workforce to service the high volumes of work we are now undertaking. We are still actively recruiting and would be pleased to hear from anyone based in the Essex area who is interested in developing their career with us.
It looks like 2022 will be a very exciting year for us and I would welcome you to share in our success by switching to Court Enforcement Services or by trialling our services to discover the difference we can make by improving the results achieved and enhancing your experience as a client.
Seasons Greetings
On behalf of everyone at Court Enforcement Services, I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
Instead of sending Christmas cards this year we are donating to the national charity Re-engage dedicated to tackling loneliness and social isolation amongst older people living in the UK.
Daron Robinson
Managing Director
Court Enforcement Services Ltd

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Head of Client Development & Communications
M: 07542304328